Caring For Your Reusable Shopping Bags

I volunteer at my local farmers’ market where I’ve gotten to know many of the farmers. One farmer told me about the rules and regulations for vending at the market, all designed to keep food clean and safe. That’s reassuring, but he also expressed his frustration that no matter what he does to keep food clean, there is always someone who touches the produce with dirty hands or who sneezes on it. It is obviously important to wash your produce before eating or cooking with it, but he also thinks that reusable shopping bags are part of the problem with food contamination. Our conversation inspired me to write this post.

Green wtih Betsy Market Bag

It’s exciting to see the reusable bag movement catching on, but it is imperative to wash the bags just like anything else when it gets dirty. Canvas bags can be washed in the washing machine on hot and then dried in the dryer. Recycled plastic bags should be washed by hand with warm soapy water (don’t forget the seams where grime can collect). Nylon bags should be washed inside out by hand in warm soapy water and air-dried. Occasionally you will need to replace the bags with new ones.

Two more important points

  • Use separate reusable bags for meats and produce.
  • Never keep your bags in your car or trunk. Heat can cause the bacteria to breed even faster.

Do you wash your bags? If so, great. If not, don’t let the idea of washing your reusable bags deter you from continuing your new eco-conscious habit. It’s as easy as washing your dirty clothes!

Some information compiled from

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6 thoughts on “Caring For Your Reusable Shopping Bags

  1. Thanks Betsy, it’s a no-brainer and many of us wouldn’t think of washing the bags sometimes! Also about keeping them in the trunk of the car…mine are in a larger bag on the floor of my back seat. If I put them in the trunk I’d never remember to take them in the store with me. 🙂

    I have some heavy plastic shopping bags I got from The Paper Store that I fold into a triangle and keep in my purse for small shopping trips. I learned the folding trick on Youtube. Keeping the smaller ones in my purse helps train my mind to bring the bigger bags into the grocery store too. One cashier was very interested in how I shook out that little triangle into a full sized bag, and she asked me how to fold it. By the time I was done showing her, five people were watching over my shoulder. 🙂 I like to carry a few extras and if the person behind me looks like a good prospect, I offer one to them.

    Thanks for all you do Betsy!

  2. this is good stuff, Betsy!

    From: Whats Green with Betsy?!? To: Sent: Wednesday, 7 September 2016, 7:30 Subject: [New post] Caring For Your Reusable Shopping Bags #yiv4297244546 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv4297244546 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv4297244546 a.yiv4297244546primaryactionlink:link, #yiv4297244546 a.yiv4297244546primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv4297244546 a.yiv4297244546primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv4297244546 a.yiv4297244546primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv4297244546 | betsywild posted: “I volunteer at my local farmers’ market where I’ve gotten to know many of the farmers. One farmer told me about the rules and regulations for vending at the market, all designed to keep food clean and safe. That’s reassuring, but he also expressed his fru” | |

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